
Give me your word

Seems to be the hardest place to start
catching breath between thunders and rains

As the storm was over you finally had a chance

But you couldn’t go anywhere without promise me that you´ll be back.

You had waiting for so long that you don´t even know

Where and how to start, which way to go?

But before, before you go you´re going to give your word.

Promise you´ll never forget what we´ve been trough.

Shall I go on? Please tell me that it’s ok if it doesn’t work

We can try and learn from our mistakes, and laugh at the end

Like great friends, we’ll never fight about nothing of less importance than our friendship.

Say it’s going to be fine between us, say it and I will be ok too.

Now the war ended, and we have to say goodbye, it was a lonely place where we’ve been but I felt no loneliness by your side. Time may changed us cuz it’s not the same way anymore, but you’d promise me that time couldn’t get us more close than we already did.

Sad I am not going with you, sad I am breaking us apart. But if some day, when the drops start fall again and we´ll have to shake hands, please promise me that you´ll never let mine again.

3 comentarios:

  1. jaja y porque lamentaciones?
    jajaj te quiero nena :) aunque nunca te lo diga porque soy orti (H)
    lalala ahora si averiguo como hacerme seguidor lo hago xD
    jaja que triste debes ser la unica persona que lee mi blog
    mejor xD da lastimitaxD
    jajaja te quieroo besos =)

  2. Yo se que siempre vas a estar conmigo. Y no sabes cuanto me tranquiliza. Sos una de las cosas mas hermosas que me paso la vida, tu amistad da tranquilidad a mi corazon. Suena re cursi :S lo se.. pero te digo sinceramente que no se que haria sin vos.. sin ustedes.. me sentiria tan vacia. Pero siempre, siempre estas ahi, para robarme una sonrisa.. para todo.. nunca me abandonaste.. tengo tanto para agradecerte.. TANTO. Que no me van a alcanzar los años que me quedan de vida para agradecerte. Te amo ana, gracias por ser mi amiga.
